Title: "Sitting in the Savannah at Night thinking about Nostr Protocol"
date: 2024-06-01T12:00:00Z
author: "Libretech"
mood: "Innovative"
category: "Stargazing and Quartets"
tags: ["Libretech", "Open Source", "More notes,Less Gossip"]
summary: "Sitting outside in the quiet thinking how Nostr changes the landscape of communications for all parties involved."
What I Plan to do tonight
- Studying Bitcoin: Sitting down to write and study, everyday I see a greater use case for applying myself to this technology and philosophy.
- Study some TailwindCSS: Got a book on Tailwind that looked interesting ,will take a deep dive.
Parents and Friends
- Parents and friends and your support circle ,are the silent builders of anyone's infrastructure, just how much are we helping and reaching out to the people that truly value our time and can share a laugh with.
Enjoy Tonight
- Pull your old art out: Get all your old art pieces in order.
- Probably paint something: Been wanting to paint the Moon for the last month. Could be a Midnight Project This evening. If you do it, There's a note showing you were thinking of it
Use this week to fix and Optimize our entire Nostr Infrastructure
- General maintenance, Improving things around how you use it daily. Might take a couple weeks to have the user agency I'm looking for, but it is available with a little work.
Hiccups This Week
All around slower week than expected, expect to get more done next week
Got some good infrastructure up this week
Picked up a bit of each these past couple days
-CLI Tools
Will Be Remembered As A Good Day
Learned a lot this week, looking to put alot more into my own learning and most importantly pacing that learning with proper sleeping and food, preferably steak 🥩
Tags: [Personal], [Work], [Learning], [Reflection]
Mood: 😊